Get Waisted: Why Mountain Bikers are Getting Hip to Fanny Packs

Fanny packs aren't just for 90s dads anymore.

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What is UPF and Why Is it Important?

No, your plain cotton t-shirt doesn't cut it.

0 Comments7 Minutes

Sweaty vs. Wet: Should You Get Waterproof Hiking Shoes?

Get your hot takes ready.

0 Comments5 Minutes

Gear Nerd: Whats growing in your hydration bladder?

We hope you're not squeamish.

0 Comments3 Minutes

How Can RECCO Save Your Life?

This little piece of plastic, embedded in your next ski jacket, could be the difference between life and death.

0 Comments8 Minutes

Gear Nerd: Why You Should Be Wearing Merino Wool Year Round

Everything you know about wool is wrong.

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How Warm is Your Jacket, Really? The Down Equation

What the heck is "fill power?"

0 Comments8 Minutes

Understanding the Sleeping Pad R-Value

Shopping for sleeping pads is about to get a whole lot easier.

0 Comments6 Minutes