SUP river paddling

Summer SUP Safety Reminder

Take these basic safety precautions before hitting the water on your SUP this summer.

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Paddleboarding under a full moon

What You Need to Know to Paddle at Night

Want to watch the moon rise from the water? Here's what you need to know to paddle at night.

0 Comments9 Minutes

Inflatable vs. Solid Paddleboard

Inflatable vs. Hard Stand-Up Paddleboards

A breakdown of the pros and cons of inflatable and hard stand-up paddleboards.

0 Comments6 Minutes

Paddling on a river

10 Paddling Lessons Learned from Experience

A long-time paddling guide shares ten lessons he had to learn the hard way so you don't have to.

0 Comments6 Minutes

Paddling a kayak with neutral feathered paddle

Kayak Paddle Feathering: Does it Matter?

A long-time kayak guide shares his evolving thoughts about feathering kayak paddles.

0 Comments5 Minutes

Preseason SUP Checklist

Six tips to increase the safety and enjoyment of your paddleboard this summer.

0 Comments9 Minutes