Four Incredible Fall Backpacking Trips in West Virginia’s Potomac Highlands

You don't need to travel far to find world-class backpacking.

0 Comments18 Minutes

Video: Airplane Camping Under a Meteor Shower

"We're going to go fly out into the desert and camp next to a giant cactus."

0 Comments1 Minute

Video: Backpacking in Real Life

How do you teach a squad of backpacking newbies how to find a campsite?

0 Comments1 Minute

Staying Clean on an Adventure: Trail Hygiene 101

A clean hiker is a happy hiker.

0 Comments7 Minutes

10 Tips for Solo Backpacking

Take social distancing to the extreme.

0 Comments9 Minutes

FAQ: How You Can Enjoy the Trails While Social Distancing

Don't stop getting out there. Just do it the right way. We're here to answer your questions.

0 Comments10 Minutes

How to Restock Your First Aid Kit

Spring cleaning means giving your first aid kit a checkup, too.

0 Comments9 Minutes

Start Planning Your Summer Trips Now: 10 Tips

Get stoked.

0 Comments5 Minutes

How Warm is Your Jacket, Really? The Down Equation

What the heck is "fill power?"

0 Comments8 Minutes